Squamidian Report
Mar. 14 / 15

issue: 668
Including the Ontarion

Hi Again,

As most of you know, I'm not home right now. I'm in good old Ontariariario and in some ways actually enjoying it. My nose has stopped running and my eyes have stopped itching. Hopefully by the time I get home later next week the much needed rain that the west coast has finally been getting will have washed some of the pollen out of the air.

Flight to here was generally the pits. Only good part was that it was on time for a change. What made it miserable was the way they continue to cram everyone in so tightly, and their luggage policy. Because they now charge $25 per bag, most passengers try to bring everything along as carry-on. That means all those jerks are squeezing over-size bags down the impossibly narrow isle and then trying to jam said bags into the overhead compartments. That creates a huge time wasting shmozzel at boarding time and an even more frustrating time when they scramble to find their bags at the end of the flight. I refuse to be included in that mindless stupidity and choose to pay the 'luggage toll' and have my bag stowed where it belongs. However, although I only need a small suitcase to hold the few clothing items I brought, I decided to get my moneys worth and used the biggest suitcase I could find. Its not even half full but its my way of 'getting my money's worth'.

When I arrived at the homestead I found that Carol had taken Mom to the hospital. It took hours of waiting before she was even looked at and once treated she was sent home, at 2 in the morning. Great healthcare system we have!!

I spent some time with Greg, as I always do. We seem to have evolved a traditional 'day out' over the years and always have a great time. It was my intention to rent a good guitar again while here and so we fit that in to our outing. We went in to L&M in Waterloo again but were disappointed to find that they only had cheap, low-end guitars available at this time. Their better units were all rented out. The manager is a good friend of Ryan's but he wasn't in. Had he been there he would have simply told me to pick any unit I wanted from the wall and rented it to me. That's what he did last year. The guy in the store could not make that kind of call but checked the computer and told us the the Cambridge store had a few higher end guitars available so we went all the way back down there. We had been just a few blocks away from there earlier in the day. We got there only to find that their better guitars were all out on rental as well. I told them that I've become a bit of a guitar snob and had no interest in renting a cheap or low-end unit. After some discussion they decided that they could use another 'better' guitar in their rental fleet and told me to check out the new Gibson and Taylor units hanging on the wall. The one I choose would become a rental and I'd be the first to rent it. I tried several guitars and settled on a nice Gibson J-45. Not as nice as my own guitar back home but certainly more than good enough for the weekend. Unfortunately and understandably, they could not and would not put any of the Martins out for rent. The Gibson could use a setup but its certainly very playable as it is. When I got back to the homestead I played a few tunes on it for Mom and she tapped her foot along to the music before she nodded off. That’s good enough for me.

Aside from that it's been pretty quiet. Neither of the parents are feeling too well so I haven't wandered too far afield. The Homestead never changes very much and Kitchener traffic continues to get worse, or more worse. The local streets and roads are in incredibly bad condition but it is nice to see some snow and 'eastern' type trees, that kind of thing. Anyway, as long as there are no big surprises, good, bad, or otherwise, I will be back home and everything will be back to normal for next week. In the mean time I'm looking forward to seeing many of you out at the homestead on Sunday.



Well hello there! My but it’s been a long long time!

It’s been so long now but it seems like it was only yesterday and ain’t it funny how time slips away!
Welcome to another Ontarion everyone! After a beautiful sunny Spring day here in the Region I can’t help but be smilin’ as I write this weeks edition. I met with Doug this morning at 9am and we started the day off with a healthy breakfast at The Country Boy Restaurant. I say healthy because it was a platter filled with healthy (huge) portions of mouth watering greasy breakfast goodies, as opposed to healthy in the “good for you” sense. My choice of the day was scrambled eggs, breakfast sausages and their delectable home fries. Also included were two slices of brown toast and a large thermos of orange pekoe tea! Just what I needed to start my day off right! Doug watched with envy as I downed each fork full of those lovely fried potatoes and then he picked away at the lonely slice of tomato on his platter that came in place of the famous Country Boy home fries. He’s not into the home fries as he’s told me in the past so I won’t make fun of his choice of side order of the morning. I guess to each his own is the best way to put it. Anyway, we both enjoyed what we had ordered as we spent the next hour or more jawing about what was happening in both ends of the country. I was brought up to date on the latest from the west and I filled him in on the latest Ontario happenings. Seems like when we get together like this once a year there is always loads of news on either end of this great land. I always enjoy it very much when Doug visits and we get to catch up on things. Although we write our columns each week we really don’t get to talk much directly to each other. We do have common likes and dislikes and that makes for interesting exchanges of information. There’s always the political side of things that takes up a good part of the hour. Then we move on to our schedule for the day and of course we never really have anything planned except to maybe stop in at a couple of bike shops just to have a look at the latest models. This time we only managed to hit one motorcycle shop on the top of Shantz Hill overlooking Preston. We discovered this store about three years ago and found it interesting because they carry a real variety of makes of motorcycles. Most shops only sell one or two makes of bikes but these guys have at least a half dozen different makes on hand at all times. They have everything from Italian Bultaco racing machines to Harleys and 4x4 off road beasts that would put a smile on Doug’s face if he had one to use on those old logging roads in BC. It’s a good thing maybe that we never did win that Lottery we tried so hard to win or we’d both have one of every make on that showroom floor on order! Oh well, like they say, you can only ride one machine at a time anyway!

I’m sure that Doug will need something to talk about so I’d better lay off the adventures of today and move on.

Yesterday I was out in the driveway cleaning the windows on the Jeep and I heard someone behind me say “Hello there, nice day to be cleaning your windows!” I glanced over my shoulder and there was a neighbour lady walking by with her two little boys. They were both aged about 3 or 4 years and looked like twins. They very well could be twins but I really don’t know. I just answered her by saying “Hello, yes it is a lovely day for cleaning windows!” and then I noticed that the two little boys were both wearing yellow glow in the dark jackets with orange stripes on them exactly like the jacket on the crossing guard at the corner. They were both also carrying small versions of his hand held STOP sign. You know, the one that he uses to stop the traffic when he helps the children across the street? I then heard their mother say “C’mon boys lets cross the street to see John and show him your STOP signs that you made!” “See, they are exactly like his!” I laughed out loud as I watched John the crossing guard meet them in the middle of the cross walk and compliment the boys on their great STOP signs! Carole emerged from the garage just at that moment and she was smiling as well and came out to see if I had seen these two cute future Crossing Guards and their outfits. We both watched as the little guys helped John escort some other kids across the street. It’s too bad we didn’t have a camera with us to take a picture of the boys with John. It would have made a great submission to send to the CTV Kitchener station as a sign of Spring With Kids as CTV is asking for on the 6 o’clock NEWS these days. I’m sure it would have made those little guys happy to see their picture on the NEWS. If I see John out again this week, maybe I’ll suggest he take their picture and send it in to CTV. It was a very bright spot in an already bright sunny day for a change!

After months of snow upon snow upon snow this sudden warm (0c to +4c) spell is sure a welcome sight! At least the snow held on long enough for Doug to see a little of what we’ve been putting up with for the past 8 weeks. I hope he takes a picture of himself in the snow to take home to show his little granddaughter Kyra!

Well, that’s about it for this week! I hope Lorne enjoys his birthday this weekend and that all who attend his celebration make it a Happy occasion. Don’t eat too much cake Lorne!

Bye for now … Greg

PS: Something For LORNE To Think About>
It was a whole lot easier to get older than it was to get wiser!