The Squamidian Report – Dec. 26 / 15
Issue #709

The Ontarion

Hi All,

We all seem to wish for a white Christmas. It seems to be in our genes, or at least our dreams. There is of course the fact that our lives are bombarded by Hollywood's interpretation and the endless relentless pressures of mass media and advertising. Or, perhaps we simply have better, nicer, memories of the ones with snow than the ones with rain or fog and mud. And snow at Christmas does tend to cover the dull and drab with white and clean and new. A lot of this country was stuck with a 'green' one, or brown or grey one,  depending on local conditions. Not much anyone could do about it. Ironically, our local conditions here worked out just fine. We've had a very white Christmas. Our first dump was a week ago and most of that stayed put. Then, on Wednesday it started to snow again. The days in between had been rain, a fair amount of rain but the snow had held fast and not aloud itself to be washed away. And all that rain had been huge amounts of snow up in the hills, and up the gondola. We've been snowshoeing several times, surrounded by trees that are so laden they can hardly stand. Even with snowshoes, you really don't want to step off the trail unless you don't mind finding yourself right up to your armpits in the stuff. On the days we didn't snowshoe, we walked the packed trails wearing our crampons. They work great on packed snow as well as on ice.

The kids (except Ryan who is working) came up on Wednesday, getting here about mid evening. Because it was dark and she was half asleep, Kyra didn't notice the 'winter' that starts about Britannia. So, next morning, after more snow fell during the night, she looked out and was beside herself with excitement. She noticed parked cars pilled high with snow and thought that was hilarious. She couldn't stop giggling at the thought. She wanted to walk in it and fall in it, and eat as much of it as she could. I guess this is where her memories of a white Christmas will start from because thats how it will have been for her at 'Grannies' house.

Ryan got here late Christmas Eve and next morning we all struggled to keep up with a little kid that seems to have more energy than the rest of up put together. Thank goodness the littler one is only a couple of months old. So, Christmas is over for another year. New memories and traditions are forming, old memories and traditions fade. And life goes on.

Well, I guess this is the last Squamidian of the year because next week is next year. Drive safe.




Hello everyone!

I know it’s the weekend that most of us are too busy to be reading stuff on the computer but just in case, I thought I’d drop a note to wish you all a VERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS!
It’s hard to believe but we’re experiencing another green and warm day here in Southern Ontario. It’s 9c out there right now, the sun is shining and I hope Santa still has those casters on his sleigh! If not he’ll be showing off sparks whenever he lands or takes off again! Wouldn’t want to frighten the Reindeer now would we!
I hope Doug and Sue are celebrating in the snow on our behalf since we aren’t expecting any snow for a while yet.
Sounds like they’ve got more than their fair share of the white stuff this year.
Anyway, I won’t keep you any longer but I’ll be back at the writing for next weekend so you’ll all have something to read while you recover from your New Years Eve celebrations!
That’s all for this week folks!
Thanks for tuning in and I’ll look forward to talking to you all again next time in The Ontarion Report!
Bye for now and once again Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


PS: Something To Think About>
The real reason we celebrate at this time of year, Doug’s Birthday!

Have a good one..
the doug
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