The Squamidian Report – Dec. 29 / 07


Issue #292


Also in this issue:

From the Shores of Lake Huron

The Ontarion


Hi All,


Well now, Christmas is over for another year. Amazing how fast those years go. We’ve just had our first White Christmas since we’ve been here. We usually get snow before, but then the rains return and wash it all away. This year the rain returned but there was too much snow at our elevation to be washed away. And then on Christmas Eve day it didn’t rain at all, it was quite a nice day. Christmas Day saw a gentle light snowfall that didn’t amount to much but painted everything with a fresh white coat. Very nice.


Our Christmases tend to be nice quiet affairs. With just the kids and Warren’s here as family it works out that way. Christmas Eve is always up at Warren’s in their cozy log home surrounded by mountain ridges and snow-covered trees. On Christmas Day evening we had our Harley riding neighbors in for dinner and then Ryan and Emily came in time for desert after Emily got off work. The kids work in the service sector of Whistler and therefore need to work weekends and holidays to keep the tourists happy. We didn’t get around to opening any gifts until Christmas Day evening so the neighbors were subjected to our personal mayhem, but I think they got a kick out of it. They weren’t used to gifts being wrapped in newspaper and electrical tape.


A bit of competition has evolved between Warren and me to see who can make the other’s gift the hardest to unwrap. Layers of paper, tape, plastic, cardboard and anything else we can think of all contribute to the challenge. The fun of trying to unwrap the gift almost overshadows the actual contents. That’s the way it should be. Key word, ‘fun’.


Much to the dismay of all the naysayers, Wal-Mart has proven to be a good thing for Squamish. The downtown was busier than it’s ever been leading up to Christmas. Now that people could do some of their shopping here, they were willing to give the small stores and shops a chance instead of heading down the highway into the city to do all their shopping. No stores that weren’t already on their way out were forced out of business, most stores have been busier than ever. If anything, Squamish is now the shopping center for Whistler and Pemberton. Not everyone needs to drive all the way into Vancouver anymore. I did most of mine in the local Home Depot.


The west coast is actually having its snowiest December in about 15 years. Vancouver has had 5 or 6 snowstorms and they normally get 2. We have snow on the ground even down in the valley. The low snow elevation level of both this winter and last have pretty well put the lid on our usual winter dirt biking but one of these day the sun will come out warm and strong and we will get back in the saddle. Then highway-riding season will follow and out will come the big bikes. In the mean time, the Vancouver bike show is on during the last weekend of January for anyone interested. It will be down in Abbotsford at the trade center.


I guess we’ll all be talking again in the New Year, so until then have a safe New Year and all that stuff.





Karin from Melbourne had sent out a season’s greetings Email during the Christmas celebration. In it she mentioned some gingerbread pictures. They can be seen at:




From the Shores of Lake Huron


Greetings all! Well just imagine just 3 more days left in 2007. How time flies when your have fun or is it just that the older you get the faster time goes. Oh well we have to make the best of it become great memories to cherish for as long as we wish to. Here hoping everyone had a great Christmas and got their wishes granted. I had a bit of fun on Christmas eve as my next door neighbors have two girls one about 8 and the other about 11 years old .It seems the older one was on the edge of yes and no about the jolly old white whiskered guy in the red outfit. We were talking one evening and I suggested that I should maybe get out my Santa suit and pay a visit to the house on Christmas Eve. They thought that it was a great idea and after the girls went to bed and were asleep I would go over and they would get some pictures both outside and inside the house. It was great fun. I haven't had a chance to talk to them yet but when I do I’ll let you know how the girls took it. If you can get another year or so out of them it was all worth it if not so be it.


As I am writing this it a balmy 3 degrees C outside and raining lightly but it's supposed to drop down and turn to snow again. I just wish spring was here to get the bike back out. Am I losing my mind or what? The first part of this article was about haw fast the time goes and here I am wishing it away. Typical Human reaction. Well speaking of time it's now 1 AM so I am going to say goodbye for now and we will talk to you next year. HA HA


Happy New Year








Hello everyone!


We’re almost there! Just about the end of another year and Christmas 2007 is history. Ours was quiet and pleasant and not only in the past but every piece of decoration is already stored for another year. Heck, we’re not only ready for New Years we’re all set for Spring and Summer. I’ve got my new motorcycle boots ready to ride and once I’ve installed my new biking clock on the motorcycle I’ll be on time wherever and whenever I ride next season. I’m already looking forward to the upcoming motorcycling season. It kind of gets in your blood once you start. I know how Doug feels with his new Harley and I’m sure he’s already looking toward next riding season as well. Once you own a motorcycle, your loved ones always seem to find something to buy you for Christmas and birthdays. With Adam having bought his new Yamaha FJR 1300 just a month before Christmas we were able to find lots of bike stuff to buy him for Christmas. Oops, I mean Santa was able to bring him lots of bike stuff for Christmas! LOL! Didn’t mean to give away the secret!


Anyway, Its late and I’m sorry but I’m going to make this a short week for The Ontarion.

Thanks for tuning in and I look forward to talking to you all again next YEAR in

The Ontarion Report!


Bye for now… Greg.






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Have a good one..

the doug


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The articles in these issues are the sole property of the persons writing them and should be respected as such.